July 27, 2024

Other Events

Additional Anomaly Site on-site events

  • Site: Adelaide
    • Fri, 16 Feb 2024 to Sun, 18 Feb 2024 – The mobile research lab NL-1331X Portal at location
    • Fri, 16 Feb 2024 17:00 – NIA TKO Stealth Ops – Tickets available here
    • Sat, 17 Feb 2024 10:00 – NIA TKO Urban Ops – Tickets available here
    • Sun, 18 Feb 2024 all day – Ingress Mission Day TBD
    • Sun, 18 Feb 2024 10:00 – Operation Clear Field – Tickets available here
  • Site: Santiago
    • Fri, 16 Feb 2024 to Sun, 18 Feb 2024 – The mobile research lab NL-1331X Portal at location
    • Fri, 16 Feb 2024 17:00 – NIA TKO Stealth Ops – Tickets available here
    • Sat, 17 Feb 2024 10:00 – NIA TKO Urban Ops – Tickets available here
    • Sun, 18 Feb 2024 all day – Ingress Mission Day TBD
    • Sun, 18 Feb 2024 10:00 – Operation Clear Field – Tickets available here
  • Site: Macau
  • Site: Porto
    • Fri, 15 Mar 2024 to Sun, 17 Mar 2024 – The mobile research lab NL-1331X Portal at location
    • Fri, 15 Mar 2024 17:00 – NIA TKO Stealth Ops – Tickets available here
    • Sat, 16 Mar 2024 10:00 – NIA TKO Urban Ops – Tickets available here
    • Sun, 17 Mar 2024 all day – Ingress Mission Day TBD
    • Sun, 17 Mar 2024 10:00 – Operation Clear Field – Tickets available here

What is the mobile research lab NL-1331X (Portal)

Successfully hacking the “NL-1331” Portal during announced time range will earn one (1) increment on the “NL-1331 Meetups” medal. Please note that this is not pushed upon hacking; the NL-1331 Meetups medal will be granted within one (1) week of the event.

What is NIA TKO Stealth Ops

Ticketed events hosted by GORUCK, consist of competitive physicality challenges. Agents successfully completing this event on-site will earn one (1) increment on the “Stealth Ops” medal.
In proportion to challenges each Faction wins during Stealth Ops, the two Factions will share seven (7) Series Points. In the rare event of all challenges ending up in a tie, each Faction will receive 3.5 Series Points.
Example of Stealth Ops challenges:

  • Fixed-leg relay race of various endurance exercises
  • Team loads / Casualty Carry
  • Trivia question contest
  • The GORUCK Spearhead logo field-art contest
  • Portal capture race within designated area
  • Glyph sequence formation

What is NIA TKO Urban Ops

Ticketed events hosted by GORUCK, consist of competitive physicality challenges. Agents successfully completing this event on-site will earn one (1) increment on the “Urban Ops” medal.
In proportion to challenges each Faction wins during Urban Ops, the two Factions will share seven (7) Series Points. In the rare event of all challenges ending up in a tie, each Faction will receive 3.5 Series Points.
Example of Urban Ops challenges:

  • Fixed-leg relay race of various endurance exercises
  • Team loads / Casualty Carry
  • Trivia question contest
  • Glyph sequence formation

What is Operation Clear Field

Ticketed service-themed scavenger hunt with competitive Ingress exploration, hosted by GORUCK. Agents successfully completing this event on-site will earn one (1) increment on the “Operation Clear Field” medal.

What is the Ingress Mission Day

Registration-free, verification-free, and ticket-free. Complete six (6) or more “MD 2024: <City Name>” Mission Day missions from 00:00 to 23:59 to earn one (1) increment on the “Mission Day” medal. The Mission Day medal increment is automatic after completing six (6) of such missions. You can use the “NIA” mission filter to view nearby official missions.

Join your Faction at an Anomaly Site

Sign up with your Faction’s Team Leads at each site for collaborated gameplay and more info:

WeekendLocationENL ContactsRES Contacts
17 Feb 2024AdelaideLinkLink
17 Feb 2024SantiagoLinkLink
16 Mar 2024MacauLinkLink
16 Mar 2024PortoLinkLink

PSA: If you will be leading your local Faction community at an upcoming Anomaly site in 2024 but have yet to get in touch with the NIA, please talk to an Ingress Vanguard or any Agent who had liaised with NIA during a past Ingress event to get referred to a member of the Ingress team.