March 12, 2025

Field Test: Hexathlon

Niantic has announced the locations and times for the upcoming Field Test event on September 14, and informed us there will be 6 challenges. While instructions will not be revealed until after agents check in at their designated locations, Not Niantic Labs is proud to share this exclusive and completely inaccurate list of challenges expected to take place.

  1. Deploy Frackers – Agents must deploy a minimum of 6 frackers on unique portals
  2. Item recycling – Agents must recycle a minimum of 600 items during the event window
  3. Item dropping – Agents must drop a minimum of 60 items on the ground during the event window. Dropping them directly on top of portal centers is recommended, but not required.
  4. 6-word glyph sequences – Agents must successfully complete all-new 6-word glyph sequences
  5. Softbank UltraLink Challenge – Agents must deploy a minimum of 6 SoftBank UltraLinks on portals
  6. AR Mode resonator deployment – Testing this feature imported from Niantic’s other games, agents must activate AR-mode, at which point the agent must move around a portal and use the device camera to align the resonator in its precise position to deploy the resonator. To complete this task, agents must use AR-mode to deploy a minimum of 60 resonators.

Happy Hexathlon, Agents!

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