Portals that are eligible to be overclocked are those that show as “VPS Activated” and “Localizability Good” in the Lightship website and/or the Wayfarer (beta) app. Lightship.dev (the website) and Niantic Wayfarer (the app) use different terms. In order to be able to Overclock a portal in Ingress, the wayspot needs to be a VPS, which Niantic’s glossary defines as Visual Positioning System (VPS). In addition, it needs to be “Production” ready in lightship.dev terms, or have a good Localizabilty in Niantic Wayfarer app terms.
Currently, to be able to “Activate” a portal for VPS, you need 10 scans. The App and website say “5”, but the reality is 10. And they need to be good scans, not just scans of the ground
Once you Activate a portal or wayspot, it will change to Activating for a few hours, and then may change to “VPS Activated“. It usually starts in “VPS Experimental” or “Localizabilty Fair“
After a couple of days, it may change to “VPS Production” or “Localizabilty Good”. If that happens, it should appear in Ingress during the next sync, usually the next day.